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You may be feeling a change in the energy of the planet. Those of you who are willing to look upward and find your vision will find your lives even more accelerated. If you think you are busy right now — be prepared! Things will happen even faster, and that is why acting with wisdom and discernment is increasingly important. That is why you will want to look at each day and compare it to your higher purpose.
Sometimes the hardest thing of all is saying no to someone in need. If you constantly pay attention to people in crisis, you affirm that the way for them to get your attention is by creating crisis. If you want people in your life to respect and honor your time, teach them by rewarding them when they do so.
The world is going through a change; things are speeding up. You may already be feeling it. Those who do not focus on their higher vision and connect with their true, innermost self may experience even more problems. Some of the people around you may be speaking of this as the greatest, most joyful time of their lives, while others are speaking of it as one of the most difficult times. If you are experiencing this as the most joyful time in your life, look around at others. Rather than judging or feeling separate from those who are having difficulties, simply send them light, and then let go. Know that their soul and higher self is taking care of them, and that they are learning exactly the lessons they need to learn to evolve spiritually and become stronger and wiser.
If you find yourself in power struggles with people — strangers, loved ones, or close friends — connect with your higher self, the center of your being. Stop for a moment, take a deep breath, and do not get caught in their desire for a confrontation. Remember, it is their desire, not yours.
To live a joyful life, you will want to learn how to not let other people pull you into their negative energy through the third chakra, the solar plexus center. Much of the energy that people experience from others comes through the solar plexus, the power and emotional center. Many of your challenges on the path of joy will be to step outside of power struggles and come from a deep level of compassion. If a friend snaps at you or is unfriendly, step back, and with a sense of compassion, try to experience life from his or her perspective. You may see that his or her tiredness or defensiveness has nothing to do with you, for you only represent another character in his or her play. The more you can step outside and not be pulled into power struggles, the more peaceful and abundant your life will be, and the more you will be in a position to heal others by being in your heart with compassion.
Go inward for a moment and ask yourself what you can do today or tomorrow, specifically, to bring more joy into your life. Ask what you can do to let go of a power struggle or an issue that is going on in your life and draining your energy. What can you do today or tomorrow to free up a little more time so you can experience inner peace?
You have so much to be grateful for, your excellent mind and your unlimited potential. You have the ability to create anything you want; the only limits are those you create for yourself. Wake up in the morning and affirm your freedom. Hold up your higher vision and live the most joyful life you can imagine.
~ Orin and Daben via Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer
from Living with Joy
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